Volunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer?
Volunteers are the foundation of Tails of Hope and one of the simplest ways to support our mission. We think the best way for our programs to be successful is to actively involve the community. We could not do this without you!
Tails of Hope has many opportunities for those looking to give their time and talents.
We invite you to learn more about our volunteer program by completing a few quick steps to become involved:
1. Click the button below “Sign Up for Volunteer” where you’ll be directed to HelperHelper to create a free account.
2. Complete the volunteer profile and choose the areas you’re interested in volunteering.
3. You will be asked to complete Coco’s Volunteer Release and Waiver. (This is required!)
4. Once registered and waiver completed, use HelperHelper to sign up for volunteer opportunities online.
5. HelperHelper has a desktop and mobile version for easy access!
6. Email questions to jessica.beardsell@